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Site update: April 25 2024, at 19:00 PKST
Stock update: April 25 2024.

Details for MFFL - Mitchell Fruit Farms Limited

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Summary  Technical Charts  Financials  Company Details 

Officers and Board of Directors

Chief Executive Officer Mr. Najam Aziz Sethi
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Financial Officer Mr. Badar M. Khan, FCA
Chairperson Mr. Shazad Ghafar
Director Mr. Syed Mohammad Mehdi Mohsin
Director Ms. Umme Kulsum Imam
Director Mr. Abdul Hamid Dagia
Director Mr. Aamir Amin
Director Mr. Syed Manzar Hassan
Director Mr. Rizwan Bashir
Company Secretary Mr. Anum Ali
Auditor Crowe Hussain Chaudhury & Co.


Bankers Habib Bank Limited Askari Bank Limited Allied Bank Limited JS Bank Limited Bank Al Habib Limited
Corporate Office 72-FCC Gulberg IV, Lahore.
Share Registrar Corplink (Private) Limited, Wings Arcade, 1-K (Commercial) Model Town, Lahore Phone Tel : (042) 5839182, 5887262 Fax:(042) 5869037
Contacts Phones: (042) 35872392-96, Fax: (042) 35872398 E-Mail:
Legal Advisors Crown 1207 LLP

Disclaimer: this is a work in progress. helpline: +92-42-3631-4186 (10:30am to 5:30pm)