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Site update: April 26 2024, at 19:45 PKST
Stock update: April 26 2024.

Stocks that have traded more than their six months' average volume

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CompanyChangeOpenLowHighCloseVolumeAverage volumeTrading days Add
The Resource Group Of ... down Rs -2.11 (-2.92%) Rs 72.35 Rs 70.00 Rs 73.25 Rs 70.24 4,783,765 (102.40%) 4,671,533.07 124 Alert
Silk Bank Limited down Rs -0.02 (-2.13%) Rs 0.94 Rs 0.90 Rs 0.96 Rs 0.92 3,832,500 (101.48%) 3,776,604.84 124 Alert
Fauji Foods Limited down Rs -0.16 (-1.63%) Rs 9.80 Rs 9.58 Rs 9.89 Rs 9.64 15,572,815 (101.11%) 15,402,102.76 124 Alert
Colony Textile Mills L... down Rs -0.02 (-0.71%) Rs 2.80 Rs 2.76 Rs 2.99 Rs 2.78 139,000 (100.68%) 138,060.98 123 Alert

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