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Site update: December 20 2024, at 17:45 PKST
Stock update: December 20 2024.

Details for ACPL - Attock Cement

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Summary  Technical Charts  Financials  Company Details 

Officers and Board of Directors

Chief Executive Officer Mr. Babar Bashir Nawaz
Chief Operating Officer Mr. Irfan Amanullah
Chief Financial Officer Mr. Muhammad Rehan
Chairperson Mr. Shuaib A. Malik
Director Mr. Shamim Ahmad Khan
Director Mr. Mohammad Haroon
Director Mr. Wael G. Pharaon
Director Mr. Abdus Sattar
Director Mr. Irfan Amanullah (Alternate)
Director Mr. Babar Bashir Nawaz
Director Mr. Laith G. Pharaon
Director Mr. Agha Sher Shah
Company Secretary Mr. Irfan Amanullah
Auditor A.F. Ferguson & Co.
Auditor M/s. UHY Hassan Naeem & Co.


Share Registrar M/s. FAMCO Associates (Pvt.) Limited Tel: 021-34380101-5/ 021-34384621-3 Fax: 021-34380106
Registered Office D - 70, Block-4, Kehkashan-5 Clifton, Karachi-75600
Legal Advisors M/s. HNT & Associates
Plant 1. Hub Chowki, Lasbella Baluchistan
Contacts Registered Office: Tel: (92-21) 35309773-4 UAN: (92-21) 111 17 17 17 Fax: (92-21) 35309775 Email:
Bankers The Bank of Punjab Faysal Bank Limited Allied Bank Limited MCB Bank Limited Askari Bank Limited United Bank Limited Habib Bank Limited Bank Al-Habib Limited Meezan Bank Limited National Bank of Pakistan Limited Dubai Islamic Bank Limited Habib Metropolitan Bank Ltd.

Disclaimer: this is a work in progress. helpline: +92-42-3631-4186 (10:30am to 5:30pm)