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Site update: April 19 2024, at 19:45 PKST
Stock update: April 19 2024.

Details for BIFO - Baifo Industries

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Summary  Technical Charts  Financials  Company Details 

Officers and Board of Directors

Chief Executive Officer Mr. Anwar Moin
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Financial Officer Syed Sajid Hussain Shah
Chairperson M. Afzal Khan
Director Syed Zamma Mohiuddin
Director Mr. Adnan Afridi
Director Mr. Himayat Ullah
Director Mr. M. Zaffar Khan
Director Ms. Ayesha Humayun Khan
Director Mr. Khwaja Ahmed Hosain
Director Mr. Ehsan Mani
Director Ms. Mehreen Hosain
Director Ms. Syeda Shahbano Abbas
Director Mr. Muhammad Waheed
Director Mr. Zishan Afzal Khan
Company Secretary Mr. Khawaja Shaiq Tanveer
Auditor M/s Yousuf Adil


Registered Office 1st Floor, Biafo House, Plot No. 23, St No. 38-40, I&T Centre, G-10/4, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Shares Registrar F.D. Registrar Services (Pvt.) Ltd. Tel: +92 21 32271905-6 Fax: +92 21 32621233 E-mail:
Legal Advisors Chima & Ibrahim
Bankers Allied Bank Ltd, National Bank of Pakistan, Bank of Khyber, United Bank Limited
Contacts Tel: 051-2353450-53/ 2353455-57 Fax: 051-2353458 Email:

Disclaimer: this is a work in progress. helpline: +92-42-3631-4186 (10:30am to 5:30pm)