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Site update: April 26 2024, at 19:45 PKST
Stock update: April 26 2024.

Details for CLVL - Cordoba Logistics & Ventures Limited

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Officers and Board of Directors

Chief Executive Officer Mr. Misbah Khalil Khan
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Financial Officer Mr. Wajahat Hussain
Chairperson Mr. Zeshan Afzal
Director Mr. Muneer Kamal
Director Ms. Maleeha Humayun Bangash
Director Mr. Danish Elahi
Director Mr. Sohail Ilahi
Director Mrs. Anum Raza
Director Ms. Ambereen Israr
Company Secretary Mr. Syed Ali Jawwad Jafri
Auditor Parker Russell-A.J.S


Bankers Meezan Bank ltd. Dubai Islamic Bank
Registered Office Office No. 420, 4 Floor, Eden Towers, Main Boulevard, Gulberg III, Lahore
Share Registrar Hameed Majeed Associates (Pvt.) Ltd. H.M House 7-Bank Square, Lahore. Tel: 37235081-82 Fax: 37358817
Contacts Phone: 042-35790290-2 Email:

Disclaimer: this is a work in progress. helpline: +92-42-3631-4186 (10:30am to 5:30pm)