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Site update: April 26 2024, at 12:30 PKST
Stock update: April 25 2024.

Details for DIIL - Diamond Industries

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Summary  Technical Charts  Financials  Company Details 

Officers and Board of Directors

Chief Executive Officer Mr. Iftikhar Shaffi
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Financial Officer Mr. Munawar Hussain
Director Mrs. Seema Iftikhar
Director Mr. Qaiser Saleem Khan
Director Mr. Imran Kabir
Director Mr. Muh. Sameer
Director Mr. Hashim Aslam Butt
Director Mr. Mohib Hussain
Company Secretary Mr. Zahoor Ahmed
Auditor Sarwars CA.


Contacts Tel: (0938) 270597 - 270297
Registered Office Plot # 25, Gadoon Amazai Industrial Estate, SWABI (KP)
Bankers Allied Bank, Askari Bank, Bank Al-Falah, Habib Metropolitan Bank, Silk Bank, Standard Chartered Bank Pakistan Limited.
Factory Plot # 25, Gadoon Amazai Industrial Estate, SWABI (KPK) Tel: (0938) 270597 - 270297
Principal Office 23-KM, Multan Road, MOHLANWAL, Lahore Tel: (042) 37540336-7 Fax: (042) 37540335, 35300010 Email:
Share Registrar M/s CORPLINK (PVT) LTD. WINGS ARCADE, 1-K, COMMERCIAL, MODEL TOWN, LAHORE Tel: 042-35839182 - 35887262 Fax: 92-42-35869037
Legal Advisors A. K. Minhas Law Associates

Disclaimer: this is a work in progress. helpline: +92-42-3631-4186 (10:30am to 5:30pm)