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Site update: April 24 2024, at 18:15 PKST
Stock update: April 24 2024.

Details for UVIC - Universal Insurance

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Officers and Board of Directors

Chief Executive Officer Mr. Gohar Ayub Khan
Chief Operating Officer
Chief Financial Officer Mr. Ashfaq Ahmed
Chairperson Mr. Raza Kuli Khan Khattak
Director Mr. Ahmed Kuli Khan Khattak
Director Mrs. Shahnaz Sajjad Ahmed
Director Mr. Muhammad Imran Malik
Director Mr. Haroon Ahmed Zuberi
Director Mr. Khalid kuli Khan Khattak
Company Secretary Mr. Liaqat Ali Shaukat
Auditor M/s. Junaidy Shoaib Asad


Registered Office Universal Insurance House 63-Shahrah-e-Quaid-e-Azam, Lahore,54000 Pakistan
Share Registrar M/S Hameed Majeed Associates (Pvt.) Limited H.M House, 7-Bank Square Lahore Tel: 042-37235081-82 Fax: 042-37358817
Legal Advisors Rana Muhammad Aamir Zulfiqar Advocate
Contacts Tel: 042-37353453, 37353458 Fax: 042-37230326 Email:

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