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Site update: April 26 2024, at 10:15 PKST
Stock update: April 25 2024.

Sorted by High/Low spread

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CompanyChangeSpreadSpread %OpenLowHighCloseVolume Add
Ghani Value Glass Limited up Rs 0.00 (0.00%) Rs 0.00 Rs 0.00% Rs 44.61 Rs 44.61 Rs 44.61 Rs 44.61 500 Alert
Pakistan PVC Limited up Rs 0.00 (0.00%) Rs 0.00 Rs 0.00% Rs 6.92 Rs 6.92 Rs 6.92 Rs 6.92 500 Alert
Elite Capital Mod Ist up Rs 0.00 (0.00%) Rs 0.00 Rs 0.00% Rs 4.30 Rs 4.30 Rs 4.30 Rs 4.30 1,000 Alert
Saritow Spinning up Rs 0.00 (0.00%) Rs 0.00 Rs 0.00% Rs 5.70 Rs 5.70 Rs 5.70 Rs 5.70 500 Alert

Spread in percentage terms is calculated against the closing price.

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