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Site update: December 20 2024, at 17:45 PKST
Stock update: December 20 2024.

Stocks that have traded more than their one year's average volume

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CompanyChangeOpenLowHighCloseVolumeAverage volumeTrading days Add
Pakistan International... up Rs 1.23 (2.70%) Rs 45.50 Rs 45.50 Rs 47.47 Rs 46.73 331,786.00 (102.81%) 322,703.06 247 Alert
Nimir Industrial Chemi... down Rs -2.08 (-1.50%) Rs 138.95 Rs 128.36 Rs 138.95 Rs 136.87 32,368.00 (102.60%) 31,548.30 228 Alert
Fatima Fertilizer Limited up Rs 4.03 (5.68%) Rs 71.00 Rs 70.10 Rs 77.45 Rs 75.03 1,391,384.00 (102.40%) 1,358,713.00 247 Alert
Glaxosmithkline up Rs 5.03 (1.33%) Rs 378.00 Rs 375.00 Rs 399.00 Rs 383.03 341,164.00 (101.60%) 335,794.96 247 Alert

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