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Site update: April 25 2024, at 19:00 PKST
Stock update: April 25 2024.

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Stocks with unusual activity

These stocks show a burst of activity in the last five days (sorted by volume increase):

Click on the headings to sort the data.

SymbolName30d high30d low 5d high5d low5d avg vol30d avg vol vol increaseclose
TELE Telecard Limited 9.74 8.40 9.49 8.73 16,198,099 10,578,559 53.12% 9.25
BAPL Bawany Air Products Limited 19.00 12.99 19.00 17.02 44,375 28,921 53.44% 17.02
SNBL Soneri Bank Limited 10.30 9.46 10.25 10.00 1,027,000 669,026 53.51% 10.13

If you were logged in, you'd see more results. There are at least 106 symbols with a burst of activity, and the highest volume increase was 375.00%. helpline: +92-42-3631-4186 (10:30am to 5:30pm)