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Site update: December 20 2024, at 17:45 PKST
Stock update: December 20 2024.

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Advancing — Declining Issues

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Stocks with unusual activity

These stocks show a burst of activity in the last five days (sorted by volume increase):

Click on the headings to sort the data.

SymbolName30d high30d low 5d high5d low5d avg vol30d avg vol vol increaseclose
LSEVL LSE Venture Limited 10.76 7.76 10.76 9.15 338,261.40 214,706.96 57.55% 9.98
OBOY Oilboy Energy Limited 13.78 6.21 13.78 9.25 3,524,055.00 2,101,427.91 67.70% 11.39
MARI Mari Petroleum Company Limited 900.23 430.00 900.23 611.50 7,693,319.60 4,519,463.35 70.23% 694.98

If you were logged in, you'd see more results. There are at least 31 symbols with a burst of activity, and the highest volume increase was 252.87%. helpline: +92-42-3631-4186 (10:30am to 5:30pm)