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Site update: December 20 2024, at 17:45 PKST
Stock update: December 20 2024.

Mutual Funds — Net Asset Value

On Nov 27 2019 KSE-100 Index: 38,122.72

Mutual FundNAVChange in NAV Last closeChange in closing price Discount (NAV)
golden arrow 8.03 0.00% 6.69 0.00% 16.69

On Nov 25 2019 KSE-100 Index: 38,212.28

Mutual FundNAVChange in NAV Last closeChange in closing price Discount (NAV)
golden arrow 8.03 0.00% 6.69 0.00% 16.69

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The discount is the percentage difference of the net asset value and current trade price calculated against the net asset value. helpline: +92-42-3631-4186 (10:30am to 5:30pm)