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For 2019:

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symbol net sales income tax net profit net worth book value eps o/s last trade
SAZEW 3,218.52 0.00 82.00 1,044.71 48.44 3.80 21.57 1,085.08
PSMC 116,548.01 0.00 -2,920.49 25,950.89 315.32 -35.49 82.30 609.00
MTL 31,144.06 0.00 3,638.05 4,833.17 109.12 82.14 44.29 586.88
INDU 157,996.21 0.00 13,714.98 40,045.31 509.48 174.49 78.60 2,064.79
HINO 19,130.84 0.00 873.30 1,750.37 141.15 70.42 12.40 383.00
HCAR 95,128.29 0.00 3,851.11 17,626.65 123.44 26.97 142.80 289.44
GHNL 2,373.75 0.00 -28.81 3,822.61 67.06 -0.51 57.00 33.90
GHNI 13,909.91 0.00 59.95 2,598.82 60.99 1.41 42.61 646.26
GAL 2,373.75 0.00 -28.81 3,822.61 67.06 -0.51 57.00 443.71
GAIL 148.99 0.00 -23.75 57.74 1.15 -0.47 50.03 7.40
DFML 1.53 0.00 -244.30 -2,352.63 -16.96 -1.76 138.74 45.80
ATLH 82,412.55 0.00 3,208.66 15,365.76 148.60 31.03 103.41 883.47
AGTL 13,992.39 0.00 977.65 903.72 15.59 16.87 57.96 538.27
Total 538,378.80 0.00 23,159.54 115,469.72 1,590.45 368.39 888.71    
Average 41,413.75 0.00 1,781.50 8,882.29 122.34 28.34 68.36 585.92

Fields like net revenue, income tax, net profit, investments, net worth and o/s (outstanding shares) are in millions of Rupees.
Beta calculations are against the KSE-100 index, over a period of 104 weeks. helpline: +92-42-3631-4186 (10:30am to 5:30pm)