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Site update: October 22 2024, at 12:00 PKST
Stock update: October 21 2024.

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SymbolNameLast price ChangeSharesInvestment Avg cost ?Mkt value GainGain %Day's gain
FAEL 10.50 -0.30 (-2.78%) 500 9,000.00 18.00 5,250.00 -3,750.00 -41.67%
FATIMA 11.90 -0.12 (-1.00%) 500 6,750.00 13.50 5,950.00 -800.00 -11.85% -60.00
HBL 102.66 1.58 (1.56%) 277 35,010.26 126.39 28,436.82 -6,573.44 -18.78% 437.66
JSGF 3.53 0.12 (3.52%) 10,000 43,295.00 4.33 35,300.00 -7,995.00 -18.47% 1,200.00
NPL 9.76 -0.24 (-2.40%) 2,000 20,940.00 10.47 19,520.00 -1,420.00 -6.78% -480.00
SBL 2.46 0.00 (0.00%) 21,000 66,580.00 3.17 51,660.00 -14,920.00 -22.41%
SEL 22.05 -0.45 (-2.00%) 1,000 30,825.00 30.82 22,050.00 -8,775.00 -28.47% -450.00
SHEZ 105.72 -5.30 (-4.77%) 800 102,759.53 128.45 84,576.00 -18,183.53 -17.70% -4,240.00
Rupees 315,159.79 252,742.82 -62,416.97 -19.80% -3,592.34

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