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Site update: July 26 2024, at 18:30 PKST
Stock update: July 26 2024.

Index Symbol Valuation for KMI-30 — Fri Jul 26 2024

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SymbolVolumeCurrent PriceChange Book Value   EPS  EPS (ttm) Div RsP/BP/E Div YieldDiv Payout %O/S (mil)Idx Weight %Idx Points Mark Cap (mil)F/YY/E Add
390,941 7.00 0.00 ^ 27.12 2.99 2.26 0.00 0.26 2.34 0.00 0.00 491.38 3,439.63 2023 JUN Alert
593,522 345.56 -4.02 V 1,029.61 274.12 252.40 12.50 0.34 1.26 3.62 4.56 106.62 1.36 -19.67 36,842.33 2023 JUN Alert
3,058,638 61.99 -1.70 V 20.80 4.32 3.03 2.50 2.98 14.35 4.03 57.89 376.30 23,326.70 2023 JUN Alert
87,885 163.86 -3.45 V 107.46 22.67 24.39 4.50 1.52 7.23 2.75 19.85 194.29 1.76 -46.14 31,837.18 2023 JUN Alert
6,828,597 3.59 -0.08 V 32.46 -2.31 -0.49 0.00 0.11 -1.56 0.00 0.00 5,493.45 19,721.48 2023 JUN Alert
1,528,129 88.46 0.00 ^ 146.52 -8.30 -8.02 0.00 0.60 -10.66 0.00 0.00 438.12 1.79 0.00 38,756.02 2023 JUN Alert
456,474 170.25 -0.21 V 33.72 19.23 21.69 20.50 5.05 8.85 12.04 106.60 1,335.30 9.43 -14.48 227,334.71 2023 JUN Alert
185,186 329.90 -0.52 V 133.12 32.73 33.23 48.00 2.48 10.08 14.55 146.63 536.63 8.16 -16.01 177,033.08 2023 DEC Alert
276,287 42.30 -0.44 V 31.80 9.45 7.28 6.00 1.33 4.48 14.18 63.52 908.92 0.89 -11.47 38,447.46 2023 DEC Alert
4,790,816 21.74 -0.09 V 27.69 3.16 3.06 0.00 0.79 6.88 0.00 0.00 2,353.54 1.72 -8.86 51,165.94 2023 JUN Alert
929,507 328.41 -1.52 V 192.97 4.21 5.20 0.00 1.70 78.07 0.00 0.00 42.61 13,993.16 2023 JUN Alert
5,504,359 148.36 0.29 ^ 47.38 23.85 24.07 30.00 3.13 6.22 20.22 125.77 1,297.15 13.31 32.37 192,445.83 2023 JUN Alert
1,189,537 177.28 -5.38 V 115.63 17.23 16.55 7.50 1.53 10.29 4.23 43.52 131.88 23,380.02 2023 JUN Alert
378,159 83.56 -0.88 V 49.85 8.09 11.50 5.50 1.68 10.33 6.58 67.99 435.00 36,348.60 2023 JUN Alert
112,225 900.72 -2.66 V 440.50 44.02 72.50 18.00 2.04 20.46 2.00 40.89 311.84 7.30 -26.83 280,879.26 2023 JUN Alert
9,162 2,654.60 -11.61 V 1,262.54 420.75 505.81 147.00 2.10 6.31 5.54 34.94 133.40 6.53 -35.54 354,130.28 2023 JUN Alert
599,189 236.59 -3.11 V 103.23 47.16 52.78 20.00 2.29 5.02 8.45 42.41 1,791.25 9.77 -159.79 423,792.59 2023 DEC Alert
2,424,151 36.33 -0.10 V 41.84 4.18 3.46 0.00 0.87 8.68 0.00 0.00 1,073.35 1.44 -4.93 38,994.67 2023 JUN Alert
66,359 619.00 -0.88 V 40.24 17.61 42.03 25.00 15.38 35.15 4.04 141.96 191.80 4.93 -8.71 118,723.15 2023 JUN Alert
842,175 65.59 -0.90 V 255.30 34.60 18.13 5.00 0.26 1.90 7.62 14.45 351.60 0.85 -14.52 23,061.44 2023 JUN Alert
357,940 238.72 -7.77 V 432.66 -55.81 -74.54 0.00 0.55 -4.28 0.00 0.00 79.97 0.58 -23.42 19,089.63 2023 JUN Alert
3,538,925 129.04 -2.26 V 251.78 52.23 54.89 8.55 0.51 2.47 6.63 16.37 4,300.93 554,991.80 2023 JUN Alert
4,938,638 25.55 -0.36 V 45.98 1.47 2.03 0.00 0.56 17.37 0.00 0.00 900.97 23,019.78 2023 DEC Alert
178,807 175.30 1.48 ^ 178.39 11.50 16.42 0.00 0.98 15.25 0.00 0.00 227.15 1.65 17.36 39,819.20 2023 JUN Alert
256,868 549.70 -3.67 V 238.46 128.42 126.13 80.00 2.31 4.28 14.55 62.30 283.86 156,035.15 2023 JUN Alert
1,722,480 113.09 -1.68 V 198.73 35.99 41.33 2.50 0.57 3.14 2.21 6.95 2,720.98 6.97 -128.77 307,716.04 2023 JUN Alert
553,381 162.05 -2.96 V 461.28 12.06 18.69 7.50 0.35 13.44 4.63 62.19 469.47 3.16 -71.75 76,078.16 2023 JUN Alert
2,182,401 54.87 -0.61 V 70.93 -0.28 -0.57 0.00 0.77 -198.73 0.00 0.00 390.07 1.16 -16.11 21,402.92 2023 JUN Alert
250,613 434.19 -5.52 V 95.10 29.37 21.20 6.00 4.57 14.78 1.38 20.43 291.42 7.00 -110.68 126,532.21 2023 JUN Alert
2,027,970 31.19 -0.67 V 18.19 0.48 -0.08 0.00 1.71 65.63 0.00 0.00 1,194.05 1.20 -32.13 37,242.42 2023 JUN Alert
SymbolVolumeCurrent PriceChange Book Value   EPS  EPS (ttm) Div RsP/BP/E Div YieldDiv Payout %O/S (mil)Idx Weight %Idx Points Mark Cap (mil)F/YY/E Add
Average   1.98   4.64 helpline: +92-42-3631-4186 (10:30am to 5:30pm)