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Site update: November 14 2024, at 17:00 PKST
Stock update: November 14 2024.

Stocks Screener

Sorted by Networth (2 results)

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PKR/USD rate as of 2024-11-14. Total sales, market capitalization, outstanding shares, net worth, and net profit fields are in millions.

rank company year o/s last trade (rs) market cap (rs) market cap ($) net worth (rs) net worth ($) Add
1 Dewan Salman Fiber Limited 2023 366.32 0.88 322.36 1.16 -16,940.91 -60.99 Alert
2 Hascol Petroleum Limited 2023 999.12 8.21 8,202.78 29.53 -78,984.71 -284.34 Alert

There are a total of 742 entries. Subscribe to see all the data.

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